Company Ethics

J&T Systems, realizing that companies are part of a society based on law and ethics, conducts business while maintaining high ethics, respecting the law, and respecting public standards of conduct.

Respect for the Law

We strive to conform to normal commercial practices and ethics established by society while respecting company rules based upon associated laws and rules in all of our business practices.

Customer Service

J&T Systems is committed to customer satisfaction by providing products and services that meet our customers' expectations. We carefully listen and reflect on the needs of our customers and strive to improve and provide better, more reliable service.

Contributions to Society

As the Internet becomes increasingly mainstream, the speed at which information travels has changed completely and business communications have been greatly affected. As there are people who have access and the skill to use computers and the Internet, there are also those who do not. The resulting imbalance of skill, infrastructure and resources creates a unique set of problems in society which is referred to as the "Digital Divide". J&T Systems realizes the importance of e-literacy and is taking steps to promote adoption of technology at the local level as a start. We place effort into providing technical training and adoption of Internet infrastructure. We also provide hardware and services to non-profit organizations at reduced cost.

Our Pledge to the Environment

As part of our commitment to the environment, we conduct business in compliance with ISO14000. Our Pledge to the Environment

Information Disclosure

As a company that is trusted upon by our customers, suppliers, the local society and investors, we promise to disclose information about our company in a timely, appropriate and just manner.

Privacy Policy

Realizing the importance of private information, J&T Systems has developed a "compliance program" to reasonably and strictly control private information.

Handlers of private information will take appropriate measures to secure it.
When private information is being gathered, the purpose of gathering shall be clear and publicized and gathered in a lawful manner. Usage or submission to a third party of private information requires prior permission by its submitter.
- Private information shall be handled with the utmost care. Private information is never to be given to a third party unless permitted by the appropriate individual(s).
Measures shall be taken to provide rational and secure management of private information to prevent illegal access, loss, corruption, falsification, and leaks.
If management of private information is to be contracted to an external entity, it will be done under the strict guidance of J&T Systems.
We abide by all rules and laws concerning the handling of private information.
Protection and auditing of private information is to be abided by throughout the entire company.

We act in compliance with the Privacy Mark standard. In order to maintain an appropriate level of protection for private information, we strive to continuously improve protection measures in response to changes in management infrastructure and information technologies.